Hajime Hoji .Language Faculty Science
Cambridge University Press

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© Cambridge University Press

EPSA [3]-7

This is a "split antecedence" Experiment, which tests whether soko and soitu are clearly singular-denoting for the informant. It is a Sub-Experiment for EPSA [10]-5, [10]-10, and [10]-11. This is also a Sub-Experiment for EPSA [1]-n and [33]-n because EPSA [10]-5, [10]-10, and [10]-11 are Sub-Experiments for EPSA [1]-n and [33]-n.


[3]-7 Design


[3]-7 Examples


[3]-7 Summary

[3]-7 Schema-group-based

[3]-7 Lexical-group-based

The one-sentence-at-a-time test type vs. the three-sentences-at-a-time test type

We only consider Lexical groups 3 and 4.

[3]-7 One sentence at a time

[3]-7 Three sentences at a time

Raw data

[3]-7 Raw Data